Another May

Again, May
即得以前写过关于May的,那个应该是在LAST MAY的时候吧
May everything goes on well in this May
start to wonder what will it be in the same date after this May, or in the next May
after the rapid transform, what should be the next, transform?
当然也不排除是受NTU 有 May Flower的这个地方的影响
May Vs Merry
May every day in May is a happy day!
the wish is to myself and friends around.
刚无意间注意到msn 的horoscope,贴上来,之后再验证一下:)
September 23 – October 22
The current astral configuration will make you feel happier and more energetic than you may have been feeling lately, dear Libra. The reasons for some of the changes that have been happening in your life seem so much clearer to you now. Once you have gotten all your strength back, you will be able to set new goals and ambitions for yourself based on these changes in motivation.

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